Opening April 16th 6:30PM-late at N.W.I.P.A. Come visit me and all my new strange never been seen before arts in their new habitat! 6350 SE Foster Rd PDX OR 97206.
Category: Exhibits

The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale Art Show
The Goose Girl and her Geese is my piece in this upcoming show. Opening Reception, Thursday, April 7 at 5 PM – 8 PM Portland’5 Centers for the Arts 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97205.

The Big 500
The Big 500 opens this Sat Dec 12th 2pm. I have 10 moth paintings in this giant amazing show, a benefit for the Oregon Food Bank. All art is only $40 cash and carry. Located in the top floor of the Pioneer Place Mall in downtown Portland. See you there.

Live Long and Prosper
Live Long and Prosper a Leonard Nimoy memorial show is the final show at good: a gallery 4325 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, Oregon 97217 before they close their doors. Opening Reception Dec 4th, 7-10pm. Celebrate the end of a beautiful space with the gallery, artists, and art lovers alike. Can’t wait to see all the beautiful Nimoys!

October solo show at Muse Art and Design
Very excited to have my “Fancy Animals” series of paintings at Muse Art and Design up for the month of October. If you haven’t been there it is an awesome art supply store that I happen to work at. Come visit and say hello, see my sparkly paintings, and check out the beautiful art supplies.