Captain Picard Day was amazing as usual. My painting “The Perfect Mate” 30 x 40 inches done in the romance novel style got third place which is great!
The Third Annual Captain Picard Day!
The Third Annual Captain Picard Day will be here soon! Stop by Floating World Comics June 6th 6-10pm to see my entry and all the other Picard Awesomeness!
Chainsaw Comics “Joy Anthology”
I am happy to announce I have a comic “Does the Pegacorn like Candy Corn?” included in Chainsaw Comics “Joy” Anthology, now available from Etsy or Amazon!
Wonder Northwest May 25 & 26 2013
I’ll be selling this original Yarnek art, comics and more at Wonder Northwest May 25th and the 26th 2013 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in the Exhibition hall, open 10am to 5 pm both days.
31st Salon International Del Comic De Barcelona
Recently I attended the 31st Salon International Del Comic De Barcelona. The show is located in beautiful Barcelona Spain near several art museums, parks and gardens. For anyone curious here is some of what I experienced.