Very excited to have my “Fancy Animals” series of paintings at Muse Art and Design up for the month of October. If you haven’t been there it is an awesome art supply store that I happen to work at. Come visit and say hello, see my sparkly paintings, and check out the beautiful art supplies.
Busy!!! Better late than never…
Some pieces I recently got back from a show in July at the Goodfoot “The 88 Strong” I neglected to post earlier due being crazy busy, enjoy!
“Pacific Northwestern” at Bar Carlo
I’m happy to have a solo show of landscape paintings “Pacific Northwestern” up at Bar Carlo up thru the end of the month possibly longer, go see the nature of our area immortalized in art. 6433 Foster Road, Portland, Oregon 97206
Fancy Animals at the Slingshot Lounge
I have a solo show up now at the Slingshot Lounge thru August 22 go see it in all it’s glittery goodness before it is gone! 5532 SE Center (Corner of 56th and Foster) Portland, Oregon
Pieces and Parts an Anatomy themed group show
“Inside the Head” is my contribution to the “Pieces and Parts an Anatomy themed group show” at Good: a gallery. Show will be up for July. I sold my piece, but there are still many other awesome pieces that need good homes.