Featuring the staff that work at Muse Art and Design Peter Rossing, David Freas, Vaughn Barker, Nicole Poole, Sylvia Mann, Scott Bowen and Emmett Montgomery. Works are currently hanging at Muse art and design. Get your art supplies and appreciate art by the artists that assist you.
Tag: Sylvia Mann

The Mann Bone Show
“The Mann/Bone Show” is a two woman show hanging currently at Scandals a rad Gay bar in beautiful downtown Portland for July. Myself and the talented Alea Bone have our mixed media shiny pieces pieces together at last in all their glory!

The Nest Lounge reopening!
I am super happy to have my artwork with fellow artist Scott Chase at The Nest 2715 SE Belmont. Show opens this Saturday Sept 14th 2013 thru the first week of October.